Why need an SEO marketing agency?

SEO marketing has changed along over the last 10 years and so has the skills of SEO professionals and marketing ninjas either working as freelancers or in an SEO marketing agency to keep up with the changing Search engine marking industry. Earlier spammers would spin keyword-stuffed articles or webpage to rank easily in the SERPs. But today, even a well-crafted article published can never be seen by intended readers unless an effective content marketing strategy isn’t adopted. Earlier, lot of two way exchanged links, or paid links were secured to fool Google and get link building effects but now all such activities are penalized so that the traffic or rankings drop as a result. Top SEO agencies, who have sustained themselves in the SEO industry through constant skills upgradation, quickly understanding changes in the search algorithms, are living testimony to how difficult it has become today to rank on top in the search engines besides moving ...